E-Invoicing Hub
E-Invoicing Hub
Electronic Invoicing is a procedure that aims to convert the issuing of paper invoices and notes into an electronic process that allows the exchange and processing of invoices, credit notes and debit notes in a structured electronic format between buyer and seller through an integrated electronic solution.
A tax invoice that is generated in a structured electronic format through electronic means.
E-Invoicing Solution Provider Considerations
Must have the required knowledge and infrastructure
Must have specific certifications to guarantee the quality of IT processes.
Must ensure confidentiality in the treatment of data and security in data administration and archive.
Knowledge and Experience
Thorough knowledge of currently applicable regulations on e-invoicing and ability to manage this knowledge.
Flexible technological infrastructure, scalable to different regions of the world and designed to meet short and long-term needs.
Partnership agreement
Offer specialized services for the different business cases in your daily operations and always in accordance with laws regulating certifications, signatures and specific communications related to E-invoicing.
Services Model
Must adapt to different formats and processes for issuing and receiving invoice types.
Adding Values
Offer solutions and services with greater added value. Streamlines processes and helps to increase profitability.